Well done
Cool, very cool
Well done
Cool, very cool
Very cool. This just goes to show you that not everything has to be understood right away and that different people have different interpretations of the same idea.
Great job making art just for the sake of making art.
Good job
That was some funny stuff, even thought I could hardly understand a word that little girl was saying. Those violent clips near the end threw me off at first but they were awesome none the less.
Nice rendition of 'Rocket man', by the way...even though everyone who did that before you did it better. (Stewie, William Shatner, Elton John)
Nice, very nice! Normally, I'd be on your case about unoriginality, and riding someone elses' wave. But you managed to put together something worthy of being called a Xiao Xiao-inspired movie.
That was beautiful.
Nice little message you tucked in near the end, good point and all, but the fact of the matter is you've got to work on the voicework for your movie. It was muffled by the microphone feedback at times and the voice of the yellow "rabbit?" was inaudible at times.
Jokes were funny but not hillarious. With a little extra effort this could be the making of a good series.
I'm really not the type of guy to do effort. Though it was nice of you to give me such a high overall rating after the piss poor individual scores.
You call yourselves 'Python' fans? You ought to be ashamed! It goes without saying that the Monty Python original completely beats this to the curb, but to put as little effort, as you did, in this homage to the brilliant scene is insulting! The design is awful, the sound sucks and I don't know who "Sir Roger" is but he's tampering with a classic.
Graham Chapman must be spinning in his grave.
...Erm, well
I'm all for poking fun at teenagers (Plight of a thirsty teen = nice line) but you've either got to cut back on the over the top choir music or speak up when you're talking into your microphone because I could hardly hear what was being said.
Mediocrity at its best!
Age 39, Male
Professional human
AI of Burnaby
Joined on 12/20/04