Great job
That was awesome, so cool. I'm very excited about seeing more of these episodes. Please hurry and finish them!
Great job
That was awesome, so cool. I'm very excited about seeing more of these episodes. Please hurry and finish them!
Hurrying, hurrying, hurrying... My mind is faster than my hands. Send me some energy pow'r to blow up this baby!
Nice little message you tucked in near the end, good point and all, but the fact of the matter is you've got to work on the voicework for your movie. It was muffled by the microphone feedback at times and the voice of the yellow "rabbit?" was inaudible at times.
Jokes were funny but not hillarious. With a little extra effort this could be the making of a good series.
I'm really not the type of guy to do effort. Though it was nice of you to give me such a high overall rating after the piss poor individual scores.
'Worms' is awesome and thank you for realizing the genius humor that is the Concrete donkey.
lolz i put the Concrete donkey in at the last second
Looks promising
This has marvelous potential. I'd recommend getting a better microphone and maybe even putting some more effort into your voice work (No offense, but you guys have dull voices). Other than that, and some graphical issues, you have what could be an engrossing series of films.
Well it's nice to hear that :), although you can't expect perfect work from everybody, anyway Thanxs alot :)
Not funny
What was that? The sound was horrid, the joke (Singular) was stale, the animation was garbage...if this isn't proof that alchohol affects you judgement than I don't know what does.
I've seen you guys do better, why lower yourselves to making something that bad?
This was made drunk yes, so it's not very good, but I didnt make it to bug people but to make them smile and even perhaps make them think.
I'll try t'do better dont worry
I liked the simple look of the cartoon. Didnt' get why the one dragonfly turned red and started chasing the other one. But it wasn't bad per se. I liked it
it turns red coz the green one intrudes into his home.....
It was okay. The character models and pacing could have been better. Otherwise, it wasn't bad.
So you're saying it IS bad!? I'm shocked! :O :O :O
Pretty good
It was a nice little imaginative world you crafted for the character. It could really have benefited from some better artwork though.
Thank you for your reveiw I agree and will work on my drawing!
The credits were longer than the actual movie!
Wow, you're smart.
It's refreshing to see someone submit a movie that actually conveys an uplifting message for a change. The ammount of gore, grade school humor and general nonsense that goes down around here has dulled our senses so that we can't appreciate anything that doesn't have gallons of blood and gunfu on screen for more than a second. It's a crying shame.
Why should we cater to the lowest common denominator in order to thrive on this site? Some people might actually be trying to say something meainingful through their work. Hats off to you for trying something different.
Thanks very much Uptown SLimJim, and kudos to you for a very clever and unique alias.
Your right about the crying shame, you hit the nail right on the head..
I am very happy to find individuals like you who reviews flash movies with some integrity and intellect. Thank you for watching, take care.
Mediocrity at its best!
Age 39, Male
Professional human
AI of Burnaby
Joined on 12/20/04