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    52 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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    Not bad at all

    I thought this was pretty good. Maybe not the greatest thing ever made but few things are.

    The randomness really worked and I liked the variety of animation and art styles you threw around -- It all came together in a weird harmony. Never mind the criticisms of the joyless and the unimaginative, this was a good tribute to a decent Weird Al song.

    ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:


    Well played Bucket Hat Bobby, well played

    From the minute I noticed how well you replicated my style of humor in your script, I knew I wouldn't regret being a part of this. You did a good job and I'm glad to see it's being recieved so well.

    Your series is going places, let's just hope we don't have to wait another several months for the next toon.

    PS. Way to school me in animating my characters.

    BucketHatBobby responds:

    Thanks, man.
    I'm surprised it was liked so much.
    Daily 4th!!!


    The problem with hyperactive cartoons is they're too busy to catch all the jokes. If you're opting for Family Guy-style non-sequiturs (Nonsensical, but brief, cutaways and flashbacks) it's painful to have too many too often done in rapid fire. This is what happens when friends get together to write jokes but don't take the time to structure them properly.

    Beyond that, it's a good movie. I'd leave the zoom-ins out and work on the voice acting a bit more (The bits where Ace yells were pretty soft, as if the voice actor was trying too hard not to disturb people with his yelling). You've got a good character design and artstyle. But next time, when you want to make a movie, take a few breaths first.

    AceRaynor responds:

    Sweet, actual criticisms!

    Ok, I was opting for a Family Guy style presentation with games as a subject matter. However, I'm not sure about what you find to be the problem. I don't think there were a lot of flashbacks, at least compared to some of the other cartoons I have seen. Is it the transitions between the story and the flashbacks you didn't like? I could understand that.

    The room-ins make up for the lack of camera angles. As my art improves, I draw more camera angles, and do less zoom-ins. But yeah there are too many.

    As you said this is a hyperactive cartoon. Taking breaths in-between would make it a slow hyperactive cartoon.

    Super (Yuk yuk)

    Man, I've enjoyed your comic spoofs since day one and now I'm happy to see you finally taking on Infinite crisis (A series I like, but one that's not above getting lampooned)

    Again, you've got a good eye for humor...especially towards us comics geeks. My one recomendation is the voices...rather than just tamper with the samples, why not just cast someone different for each character? (GL's voice shouldn't have been that deep, man)

    All in all, keep up the good work.

    Wogoat responds:

    Yeah, that was supposed to be Hawkman's voice, but I got lazy and didn't draw him.

    Work harder

    The only real problem I had was with your voice work. Make sure your mics don't pick up any feedback and watch your speaking volume too. I'd recommend getting soundforge or some kind of sound program to keep a consistency.

    I was about to call this a Tomorrow's nobodies knock-off but now that I thought about it, I can see you guys are eager to start something and you already know about the faults of this movie. Besides, we Canadian 'series-makers' have to stick together. Good luck guys.

    ArseNick responds:

    Thanks, yea we're gonna be doin' some serious work on the whole, sound thing for the next episode. And well, to be honest I absolutely love Tomorrow's Nobodies and there are a bunch of similarities I admit. They were actually somewhat of an inspiration for us when we were working on this. We all gotta start somewhere, sadly, as you can see from other ignorant reviews, some people don't understand that. Usually people who actually have submitted stuff are the ones who know what they're talking about. Thanks for the review, I like it when people get me.


    That wasn't bad, nothing too special, though. If you had cut down on the length of the oppening and closing credits you could have had a longer cartoon. All in all, it was okay for a first episode, but lets have more happening than just cuts to different scenes in the next episode.

    Oh, and your character models looks sweet.

    TheTreeman responds:

    thanx for the critique, this is an ongoing series hopefully so i want to make it as best i can for everyone..exept icekeyhunter there.

    Needs work

    I can see where you're going with this, but it's not perfect for a first episode. Your animation and graphics kick all kids of asses, but your pacing was slow, the voicework wasn't anything special and the script wasn't too funny.

    But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? Just keep in mind the mistakes with this toon and keep that nice artstyle with you and you'll be alright.

    TurboBadger responds:

    Thanks. This wasnt the planned first episode. The first episode was originally going to be an awesome creation.

    Everyone I showed the script loved it. But like i stated earlier, things happened.

    And I really disliked this script but I was rushed into it and to get them to shut up I just worked on it. And the reason why the jokes wernt funny is they wernt made by me.

    Most all jokes in here were by my friends.

    Thanks for the comments. Later.

    Sorry, no sale.

    As bad as your animation is, it will probably get better with time. I'm not too concerned about that. I think it's great that you're trying to make a series, I wish everyone the best if that's what they're trying to do. But come on, do you consider this a good cartoon?

    None of the voices are memmorable and it sounded like none of your actors put any effort into the delivery.

    The erratic 'random-style' jokes had no point to them and the overall story relied too heavily on awkward silences, "Remember the time when" lines and words like "Meh" and "Uh" that just don't count as dialogue.

    I'm just giving it to you straight, This needs a lot of work.

    sweet-kat22 responds:

    Ahem, ok... your jokes are just as random as mine hypocrite. And your characters dont even walk. So go eat some cheese!

    Looks interesting

    I don't want to say you're getting praise because of artstyle but it's the truth. Had this not have had an above-average art style no one would be taking your idea seriously.

    Though this trailer had no dialogue and no hint of what the series will be about, it managed to capture a level of interest from viewers.

    All in all, this series DOES look interesting and it has marvelous potential. I just hope your next movies aren't as cryptic.

    Galenlome responds:

    Yeah, I do believe I am getting praiise for the art, mainly becasue there isnt much animation in it. I would've worked harder on it, but unfortunately I had to carry on with the actual animation, Tremen. But dont worry, I am incorporating the art into the animation, so we gets the best of both worlds.

    Mediocrity at its best!

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