One for the ages
I can predict the phrase 'Crab battle!' to catch on...oh man it's going to be the next big internet it-word.
One for the ages
I can predict the phrase 'Crab battle!' to catch on...oh man it's going to be the next big internet it-word.
Looks interesting
I don't want to say you're getting praise because of artstyle but it's the truth. Had this not have had an above-average art style no one would be taking your idea seriously.
Though this trailer had no dialogue and no hint of what the series will be about, it managed to capture a level of interest from viewers.
All in all, this series DOES look interesting and it has marvelous potential. I just hope your next movies aren't as cryptic.
Yeah, I do believe I am getting praiise for the art, mainly becasue there isnt much animation in it. I would've worked harder on it, but unfortunately I had to carry on with the actual animation, Tremen. But dont worry, I am incorporating the art into the animation, so we gets the best of both worlds.
Good work, everyone
This is coming from someone who played both N64 Banjo games to completion (I'm a glutton for punishment)
Of all the movies on this site that pay tribute to a vido game, this has to be one of the best. The voices fit the characters perfectly (I would never have guessed it was LF as Bottles until the credits rolled), the tounge-and-cheek look at the game's collect-a-thon mechanics and jibberish-Kazooie talk was spot on.
The character models were nice too, it's just too bad the environments weren't as hot. Anywho, keep up the good work.
PS. Good to see that I'm not the only person who saw an obvious connection between Banjo-Kazooie and that Will Smith song. You beat me to the punch!
I'm very impressed and I bet you never imagined your series getting this big. Real life famous band graciously offering their vocal talents to you. My hat goes off to you.
Not that you didn't deserve this either. Your movies are funny, well put together, and most importantly, original. I'm a big fan of yours and I wish you only the best.
More hilarity that we've come to expect from the Evil Josh & Billy series. Kooky enough to stand-out but backed-up with logic and reason...theoretically speaking of course.
For some reason, the audio just didn't sound as crisp as it did in the earlier episodes. Never the less, a good movie is a good movie.
Yeah, sorry about that. I tried a couple experiments with this episode to filter out some humming and background noise, and not all of it worked for the better. Hopefully this shouldn't be an issue next time.
Very well done
I've made the terrible mistake of misjudging you in the past, David Firth. I was put off by your 'Salad fingers' movies and I assumed the worst from you. But after watching this I can see that you really are a witty man.
The movie had a familiar humor to it but also took a few jabs at the all-too-real uptight bitties in the world. And I've learned that your creepy art style is to be enjoyed, rather than feared.
Good job on this movie, David. Take pride in knowing you've turned a hater like me into a believer.
Well done.
Like most of the people who've given you high scores, I'm a huge Zelda fan. Now that that's out of the way, here comes my critique.
I really, REALLY liked the art and the character models you had (Save for Link's small hood and Navi's naked body). That movie had such a beautiful tribute to Hyrule and it's locales that it rekindled my hopes for an animated Zelda feature film.
You also apporached the characters the way I always envisioned them outside the games: Navi doing all the talking for Link, a sweet and cute Malon so enamoured with him, and Link as an awkward, bumbling and gangly teen (Until the battle starts that is)
The only thing that threw me off was the humour. With such high care for the detail I was really put off by the light-heartedness. Realistic detail + goofy antics = not my cup of tea.
But, such skill and effort hasn't gone unoticed. Good work, you should be proud of yourselves.
Good but not great
I really like your cartoons, but this one's definetely the weakest one of the lot. Seriously, I've seen you do better
Still, even a bad Evil Josh & Billy toon is better than half the crap on this site.
Your next one will be better, I know it.
I didn't like the character models (Reminded me of something Gendy Tartovsky would make) and the voices were rather uninspired and ordinary.
BUT, you obviously put a lot of dedication into this and it paid off. There's some obvious talent resonating in this and it was actually an exciting movie to watch.
My only advice would be to work on the jokes (One too many awkward silences, if you ask me) but other than that keep up what you were doing. Good luck
Mediocrity at its best!
Age 39, Male
Professional human
AI of Burnaby
Joined on 12/20/04