Hey folks, I'm the Uptown-SlimJim, creator of such wonderful series' as The Buffoon & Co, Star Work and KILLROY. Today I submitted my 50th and final cartoon onto newgrounds, ending my 4-5 years of loyal service to the site.
So before I fade into obscurity I have a question for the good people of NG that's been weighing heavily on my mind lo these many years: How the heck do I go about getting my very own series page?
Seriously, I've checked the FAQ and there's zero mention about how I go about getting one. Do people nominate me for one? Do the admins decide if I'm worthy of one or not? Do I have to consistently get onto the front page? I'd like to have all my cartoons in one easily accessible place on NG but so far no offer has been made. Am I doing something wrong here?
Try asking Tom Fulp. Im sure hed be glad to help.
You hear that? That's the sound of me slapping my forehead wondering why I never thought of that before :P
Thanks for the tip.